Leantime 3.0.0 stable is out alongside new plugins

Leantime 3.0.0 Beta

We are super excited to release Leantime 3.0.0 to the general public. 3.0 is a major jump in our effort to make project management more accessible and inclusive. The new design and menu structure allows users to focus on the things that are important at the right time.

With this major release we are also releasing our plugin marketplace with 4 initial plugins (Whiteboards, Notes, Strategy, Pomodoro Timer). We are focusing on increasing the offerings in this marketplace to allow you greatest possible flexibility and make Leantime truly yours. Some Highlights

Time Boxing

Drag and drop your tasks into the calendar and timebox your day

Leantime with Simple Time Boxing

More AI Features

Breakdown your tasks into smaller tasks using our smart AI.

Plugin Marketplace

With 3.0 we are releasing our new plugin marketplace with 4 initial plugins. Over the next few weeks we will ensure that all cloud features are available as plugins.

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