About Leantime

Fostering Beautiful Minds And Inclusion With Leantime

Built for Humans & Impact

Our backgrounds allow us to look at work management differently. Both scientific and empathetic, we look at features through a human lens. 

Rather than creating a product for function, we’re creating a goal focused tool that enables you to create better alignment with your tasks to what you want to accomplish.

More than that, we build features with cognitive accessibility in mind. Working to find ways to include the way neurodivergent minds process information so we can all work better together.

Making Goals Accessible

“The tools out there aren’t built for people like me,” said Gloria Folaron, CEO of Leantime. “I started a previous business and had no idea how to organize in a way to grow.”

Founded by a Hispanic nurse-turned-product manager and a German immigrant technical program manager, we know what it’s like to climb extra hurdles because we didn’t start off “fitting the mold.”

We believe that the ability to reach your goals efficiently and effectively should be available to everyone.

All Brains Work Better Together Neurodiversity Inclusion

Projects can't succeed without people

Deadlines, gantt charts and kanban boards are helpful but it’s the people that drive project success.

Our Company Values

Empathy in everything

We allow room for missteps, mistakes, learning and for change knowing that we are all striving to do the best we can. 

Lead with Good Intentions

We aim to make the lives of those around us (and our own) better than before our interactions with the other.

Always better, always forward

This is a “failure friendly” space. If we aren’t trying, we aren’t learning. Failure is not a negative, it is just another element to life

Loyal to the data

Decisions are driven by the customer, by the data, and in alignment with who we are. We trust our guts & talk to users.

Better Productivity for Everyone

Using human centered design and behavioral sciences, we believe we can create a world where people can accomplish more with less; ultimately giving people a better work life balance, more opportunity, and the ability to accomplish really freaking amazing things.

Meet our Open Source Contributors

Want to work for Leantime?

While we're not currently hiring, we are always happy to connect and stay in touch when we are.

If interested in joining our team or contributing to the open source project, be sure to reach out below.

astronaut riding on a dinosaur pointing to text that says welcome to the wonderful world of open source

Support Leantime

Leantime is an open source project and lives and breathes through its community.

If you like Leantime and want to support us you can start by giving us a Star on Github or through a sponsorship.