Plugin News! Ultimate Small Team Bundle & Sponsor Leantime Plugin for an ad free view

We’re excited to announce two new plugins offerings!

All the following below are available for our open source users to download and purchase on our marketplace. You can view these plugins here.

The Ultimate Small Team Bundle

Small Team Bundle
Image showing Leantime’s Small Team Bundle on the marketplace

The small team plugin bundle enables accounts / instances with 1-10 users to get all our plugins at a discounted yearly rate of $120.00 USD.

This also includes future plugins as they come out.

What plugins are included in the bundle?

As of April 28th, 2024, this bundle includes Strategy, Plans (Program Management), Custom Fields, Sponsor Plugin, Whiteboard, Notes, and Pomodoro.

What counts as a user?

A user is any invited role listed in your instance. While we expect this to change in the future, Leantime does not currently recognize guest roles.

Are there any version requirements?

Plugin requirements are available on the marketplace plugin site. That said, we do not currently offer any long term support for older versions at this time.

Leantime support team

Our big 3.0 release came with the ability to upgrade to the features we offer in our cloud platform through our plugin marketplace. With that, came highlighting some of the potential plugin features in the open source version.

We have since had requests from folks asking if it’s possible to remove the premium links in the open source version.

This is now available as part of our support Leantime plugin. When you purchase this plugin and install it, it will also remove the premium links without needing to purchase any other plugins.

These sponsorships allow us to continue to maintain, support and keep our self hosted version with as many features as are currently in it. In order to keep this affordable for our smaller team or single user instances, sponsorships start at $1.00 and you can decide to go up if you’d like to sponsor for more.

You will need to be updated to the latest version of Leantime in order to use the plugin.

How do I get rid of the premium links in my self hosted version of Leantime?

Our Support Leantime plugin, available in our plugin marketplace, will now remove the premium links with a monthly sponsorship.

Why do I have to pay to get rid of the premium links?

Sponsoring Leantime gives us the ability to continue to focus on open source development. We are a lean team and currently offering more features than many of the other systems in the space in our self hosted version. We appreciate our open source community and want to do everything we can to continue to do so.

That said, our ability to do so is a two-way street. The premium links make it easier for new instances to realize there is a marketplace. Every plugin purchase and sponsorship helps ensure that we can continue to deliver as much value as we can in the open source version.

Other news

We are now offering embedded licenses to integrate Leantime into your internal tools.

We have helped customers connect Leantime and create new workflows that enable them to take their users to the next level with custom white labeling and feature selection.


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Support Leantime

Leantime is an open source project and lives and breathes through its community.

If you like Leantime and want to support us you can start by giving us a Star on Github or through a sponsorship.