Lean Business Solutions

LEAN has become a fancy buzz word among health care, manufacturing (thanks, Toyota!), Startups, Construction, Supply Chain Management, and even in technology. In technology, the close relative you may be familiar with is SCRUM or Agile development.
TechTarget has a great definition for LEAN:
“Lean management is an approach to running an organization that supports the concept of continuous improvement, a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality.”
Another way to think about LEAN is to consider: eliminating waste while increasing customer satisfaction. In LEAN for Startups, we build to our customer and their needs to be successful; we do it quickly and build for our market in effort to increase our success rates. If our ideas don’t match our customers? We learn to pivot. In software development, we build concisely, methodically and with clear role definition.
Often times, whether we’re new to these concepts or have been doing them for years, we may be too deep into our own systems to see where we can eliminate waste and increase efficiency. At Leantime, we bring a fresh set of eyes and developed strategies to improve your processes at all phases.
How can we help you be more LEAN?