ARCHIVED: Leantime Updates Thread – Versions 2.2 – 2.2.11

This Leantime updates thread for versions 2.2 through 2.2.11 is now listed as ARCHIVED. We are now posting for updates of Leantime versions into 2.3. Visit the new update thread here to stay up to date on the system changes.
Leantime Updates Thread! v2.2.11 – LDAP bug fixes too
- Significant improvements to mobile responsiveness
- Several LDAP bugfixes (Thanks @compumatter)
- Editor can now display code blocks
- Calendar bug is fixed
- Various smaller bugfixes
What’s Changed
- kanban height fix, global timesheets, improved debug and response code handling, by @marcelfolaron in #1073
- added svg image and fixes to cron file by @marcelfolaron in #1081
- Make top right menus UI consistent by @diderich in #1082
- Added two config options: ‘smtpAuth’ and ‘smtpSSLNoverify’ by @ruhnet in #1075
- Added ‘powered by leantime’ logo to login page and replaced text in footer with logo by @diderich in #1085
- Patches 2.2.11 by @marcelfolaron in #1088
- Swedish Translation by @shootinggame82 in #1090
- Patches 2.2.11 by @marcelfolaron in #1094
- Patches 2.10.11 by @marcelfolaron in #1119
- Patches 2.10.11 by @marcelfolaron in #1121
- Fixing some datatables issues by @marcelfolaron in #1125
- Additional install fixes by @marcelfolaron in #1126
New Contributors
- @ruhnet made their first contribution in #1075
- @shootinggame82 made their first contribution in #1090
- @compumatter
Full Changelog: v2.2.10…v2.2.11
Leantime v2.2.10
Fixed #1039 Copy URL with alternative copy method
Fixed #1059 Dropdown status changes work with various status<->project relationships
Fixed #940 Calendar event times had formatting issues in different languages
Fixed #1032 User settings can be changed successfully including LDAP users
Fixed dashboard issues and link problems in kanban board (Thanks @diderich)
Fixed darkmode on login screen issue
New Turkish language file
Portugese was updated to reflect latest changes
Full Changelog: v2.2.9…v2.2.10
Leantime v2.2.9
Fixed #1045 Ldap login failure + update issues
Possibly Fixed #1044 status array could be empty under certain conditions
Fixed #1042 Kanban description was added back but the heigh is limited and content fades out
Fixed #1040 Calendar not showing up due to empty tickets.
Fixed #1003 Under certain conditions the project role was not set leading to readonly roles for users that should have edit access
Fixed #1038 Deleting of project status successful now
Added Italian translation.
Full Changelog: v2.2.8…v2.2.9
Leantime v2.2.8
A new Leantime release is here!
v2.2.8 comes with a lot of new features and improvements.
Once again, we are incredibly humbled by the commitment and contributions of our open source community. We had 2 new contributors on this release and 3+1 repeat contributors.
More over members of the community submitted 57 bug and feature requests! Without these contributions and submissions, we wouldn’t be able to build up these features into our newest versions. Additionally, our Discord channel has grown to 171 members; many of whom are actively helping others get set up.
Some of the highlights of this new release:
- A new document module was added to create wiki like documentation
- New dashboard showing users to-dos across all projects
- Improved project dashboards with project status
- iCal calendar export (Thank you @calawhkbu)
The complete list of features and enhancements can be found here:

Sponsor Leantime
We are incredibly excited to announce that we have 4 sponsors whose generous support covers our server cost & email servers! Thank you!
Enjoying Leantime? Consider keeping the coffee pouring by sponsoring the project at
And then be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date for new Leantime releases.
Leantime v2.2.7
What’s Changed
This Leantime version includes multiple bug fixes. Thanks to our open source community for their contributions!
- Fix to ldap username bug & project handling by @marcelfolaron in #912
- && in queries is depricated; using AND instead by @phulstaert in #910
- Fixed first project experience bug
- Updated deprecated Filter Sanitize
- Fixed bug when in debug mode
Full Changelog: v2.2.6…v2.2.7
Learn more about Leantime features here.
Leantime v2.2.6
What’s Changed
- Asyncmails bug fix by @pvi-github in #904
- Language update by @phulstaert in #903
- #902 Run DB update even if user is logged in by @marcelfolaron in #905
- Version bump by @marcelfolaron in #906
Full Changelog: v2.2.5…v2.2.6
To download the most recent version of Leantime, visit
Leantime Updates version 2.2.5
The highlights of this newest Leantime update
Thank you everyone for the amazing work on this release. We had multiple new open source contributors that created some incredible features. The highlights of this release include:
- We revamped the user role system: Now with Read-Only and Commenter Roles and the ability to set roles on a project level
- Leantime runs about 90% faster now. Thank you @phulstaert for the amazing work!
- Emails are now sent asynchronously via a queue that we can use for other things as well! @pvi-github, thank you!
- Leantime has dark mode now!!!
- Languages can now be set on a per user level
- Many fixes in the mobile version
- Norwegian was added. Thank you @Ziggiz!
- So.Many.Bug.Fixes
- The release package size was reduced to less. Thank you @phulstaert
- Volumes have been added to the docker compose file
- Docker compose now with PHP8 and MySQL8
What’s Changed
- Zip not readable in Windows by @phulstaert in #842
- Easy version in by @phulstaert in #843
- Adding Norwegian language by @Ziggiz in #840
- Removing the uncompressed JS by @phulstaert in #844
- Remove font of qr-code plugin by @phulstaert in #845
- lossless optimisation of screenshot files by @phulstaert in #846
- Add support for port in pdo mysql by @bankzst in #848
- Update pt-PT.ini by @joaobrazuna in #853
- Clean up application, auth and session handling by @marcelfolaron in #860
- Mobile Responsive Fixes by @marcelfolaron in #862
- Prettier notifications & Save And Close fix by @marcelfolaron in #863
- update Readme for restart policy by @phulstaert in #867
- New user roles and project based role system by @marcelfolaron in #871
- Dark theme by @marcelfolaron in #872
- Version Bump and fixes by @marcelfolaron in #874
- Updated “badges” with links by @phulstaert in #878
- fix: issue#875 add support for utf-8 character in datatables export button by @bankzst in #876
- Dark Theme fixes by @marcelfolaron in #884
- Caching parse ini results by @marcelfolaron in #885
- update auth to run faster, cache config results by @marcelfolaron in #887
- Various role management fixes by @marcelfolaron in #888
- update config to reflect new roles for ldap by @marcelfolaron in #889
- darkmode fix and company language init by @marcelfolaron in #890
- Added phonenumber as ldap extraction option by @marcelfolaron in #891
- Fixed theme selection bug on first login by @marcelfolaron in #892
- Asyncmails by @pvi-github in #822
- Minor optimization to queue updates by @marcelfolaron in #895
- nginx config updates by @marcelfolaron in #896
- Resoving install issues and tour css issues by @marcelfolaron in #897
New Contributors
- @Ziggiz made their first contribution in #840
- @bankzst made their first contribution in #848
- @pvi-github made their first contribution in #822
- @gloriafolaron for all her late night testing
Full Changelog: v2.2.4…v2.2.5
Leantime v2.2.4
What’s changed in our newest release
- Install issue notification fix. Removed colors from config and misc clean up by @marcelfolaron in #823
- Subtask Saving Issue fixed and new design by @marcelfolaron in #825
- Fileupload issue fixed by @marcelfolaron in #826
- Version bump by @marcelfolaron in #827
- Install notification fixed by @marcelfolaron in #828
Full Changelog: v2.2.3…v2.2.4
Leantime v2.2.3 release & updates
What’s Changed
- Logo size update by @marcelfolaron in #811
- New Screenshots! by @marcelfolaron in #812
- Accent Color Fix by @akanshSirohi in #815
- Clean up theme management by @marcelfolaron in #816
- fixing mailer color by @marcelfolaron in #817
- Scrollable Kanban columns by @marcelfolaron in #818
- Clean up font files by @marcelfolaron in #819
New Contributors
- @akanshSirohi made their first contribution in #815
Full Changelog: v2.2.2…v2.2.3
Leantime v2.2.2 Updates
- Leantime has received a facelift. Lighter theme and CSS cleanup
- To-Dos now open in a modal making it a lot quicker to manage tasks from any screen
What’s Changed
- small update to release package creator by @marcelfolaron in #790
- Create package-lock.json by @marcelfolaron in #791
- Change filter_var to htmlspecialchars due to deprecation of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING by @funkywaddle in #793
- Fix spacing issue of newly added ToDo status by @funkywaddle in #799
- Use config object already instantiated by @funkywaddle in #802
- updating method docstring to reflect correct scope by @funkywaddle in #803
- Facelift by @marcelfolaron in #805
- Facelift – ticket url open in modal and misc clean up by @marcelfolaron in #806
- Facelift by @marcelfolaron in #807
- Ensure to include hidden files and small updates to css by @marcelfolaron in #808
New Contributors
- @funkywaddle made their first contribution in #793
- Thank you to @ivarrvinter for your input on the design and eye for detail
Full Changelog: v2.2.1…v2.2.2
Leantime v2.2.1
What’s Changed
- Fix array typing issue in reports by @TareqK in #781
- fixing some deprecated functions in 8.1 by @marcelfolaron in #784
- Projectfiles by @marcelfolaron in #788
- Version bump and phpmailer exceptions off by @marcelfolaron in #789
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.0…v2.2.1
Leantime v2.2.0 Release Notes
What’s Changed
- Update class.delCanvas.php by @Jacunn in #691
- Display certain IDs in frontend by @axelrindle in #703
- fix misdisplayed of sprintBurndownChart by @raowang in #708
- Prevent access to installation page after installation by @axelrindle in #711
- Update es-ES.ini by @Dane411 in #714
- Lossless compression of images by @phulstaert in #730
- Update the docker start command by @phulstaert in #731
- cleanup langlist by @phulstaert in #736
- update dutch language by @phulstaert in #735
- Create by @marcelfolaron in #743
- Message Translation European Portuguese by @joaobrazuna in #745
- Bug fixes by @marcelfolaron in #719
- Flexible status + Bug Fixes by @marcelfolaron in #752
- Flexible status by @marcelfolaron in #753
- Bugs by @marcelfolaron in #755
- Misc Bugs, Clean Up & Telemetry by @marcelfolaron in #757
- Fixing wrong method calls by @marcelfolaron in #758
- Bugs by @marcelfolaron in #759
New Contributors
- @Jacunn made their first contribution in #691
- @axelrindle made their first contribution in #703
- @raowang made their first contribution in #708
- @Dane411 made their first contribution in #714
- @phulstaert made their first contribution in #730
- @joaobrazuna made their first contribution in #745
Full Changelog: v2.1.9…v2.2.0