Leantime is an open source project management system

Install on your own servers and have all the features you need to run a project

Using PHP for Leantime

Open source software is where community and technology collide​

It brings with it a world of transparency, collaboration and innovation

  • 96% of the computer programs used by major industries include open source software – MIT
PHP Open Source Software

Additional Offerings for Open Source Users

Priority Support

Get the system support you need when you need it.

Managed Hosting

You host Leantime on your servers while we maintain the system.

Plugin Marketplace

Looking for additional features? Get custom fields, AI, & more.

Embedded Platform Licensing

Next level white-labeling with embedded integrations

Use case: Bee to Bee Community Garden

  • Beehive and community management tool
  • Supported beekeepers and users needed a way to track the tasks associated with their hives and community
  • This report view shows the beekeepers an overview of the work being done to maintain the health of their bees.

White-labeled to specification

  • Additional features such as templates, custom labeling, and custom reports are available to tailor the experience.
Reach Your Goals Using Project Management and Leantime

Hosting Leantime open source

System Requirements

  • PHP 8.2 and up
  • Apache with mod_rewrite or Nginx, IIS (possible with adjustments)
  • MySQL 5.7+

PHP Extensions needed

  • MySQL, mbstring, xml, curl, gd, imagick

Think & Make

core features across open source and free cloud plan

Tasks Table View Leantime

For task management in a project, you get your choice of Kanban, Table or a List view.

Manage your subtasks and dependencies as well.

Welcome to our Timeline (Milestone) view. 

Milestones, In Leantime, are groups of tasks bundled together with a date so you can view them on a timeline (gantt chart).

Get an even higher level view when you view the timeline on our Program Plan overview.

Milestone Timeline Gantt View in Leantime
Strategic Blueprints in Leantime

Create some definition. Why are we doing what we’re doing? Who is it for? What should it look like?

The blueprint boards allow you to do your research, validating, tracking and analysis even at the project level.

Looking to better understand how the team is working? Our reports allow you to see how the hours are all coming together.

Report Work Breakdown Leantime Project Management

You need more than a Kanban to keep track of what you’re building and that’s why we have Docs.

Embed outside documents and work with external teams or keep tracking of what you need internally.

Retrospectives are an opportunity to reflect on the work that we’ve recently accomplished and give the team room to discuss what worked well, what didn’t, and what needs to change.

You need ideas to take you to the next level but it’s easy to lose track of them. 

Track ideas easily here and in the near future, link them to the to dos and work being done.

If you need to get better at estimating work or if you’re going to send hourly billables to a client, you need to be able to track your time with our Timesheets.

Track directly on the To Do when you start work, edit and approve hours. In the future, we’ll have plugins to allow you to connect to Quickbooks and other accounting platforms.

Enjoying the open source version?

Consider sponsoring Leantime. Sponsorships help us keep supporting our open source model.

astronaut riding on a dinosaur pointing to text that says welcome to the wonderful world of open source

Support Leantime

Leantime is an open source project and lives and breathes through its community.

If you like Leantime and want to support us you can start by giving us a Star on Github or through a sponsorship.