Get the features you need to go from data to doing by embedding productivity directly into your internal tools

Embed Leantime’s features into your internal applications at significantly less than the cost of a development team — and twice as fast.

Product development done simply with embeddable software

Platform Maintenance

Maintain it yourself or let us maintain your embedded features in order to keep your system healthy, up to date, and optimized. 

Enterprise Licensing

Our embedded enterprise license takes white labeling to a new level with seamless i-frame integrations that give your users a native experience.

Feature Flexibility

Using our proprietary plugin approach, you can rename, white label, and use the features you need and easily add in more as our features grow.

Scale your system with Leantime's features

A system example

  • Beehive and community management tool
  • Supported beekeepers and users needed a way to track the tasks associated with their hives and community
  • This report view shows the beekeepers an overview of the work being done to maintain the health of their bees.

White-labeled to specification

  • Additional features such as templates, custom labeling, and custom reports are available to tailor the experience.

Just Some of Our Embeddable Features

Tasks Table View Leantime

Do you have a product that would be enhanced with going from data to tracking the work? Our task management features can take your system to the next level of user value. 

Features can be turned on and off as best suited for your user workflows.

Our Milestone view offers a great way to visualize activities being done and to highlight and show the progress. 

Milestone Timeline Gantt View in Leantime
Strategic Blueprints in Leantime

Pre-defined work boards — whether you want to use our templates or define your own, these create easy workflows that allow users to track the information that they need.

Use reports as is or we offer custom reports as well.

Report Work Breakdown Leantime Project Management

Keep documentation near the actual work being done: 

Bonus — you can embed outside documents inside and work with external teams or keep tracking of what you need internally.

Whether idea, parking lot, or some other item you’d like to track, we can redefine these categories for your products needs.

For the organizations that need to track time (whether for grants, clients, or otherwise), Leantime can embed the features that enable that for your product.

On Premise or Cloud

We can maintain your system whether on your environment or on ours.

  • Your data, your security but without the upkeep
  • Stay up to date with the latest versions and get active support for your teams
  • Gain a team and partner: we’re working to see your product and its users succeed

Other features available include notes, whiteboard, plans and custom fields.

For more information, be sure to reach out via email at or click below to schedule a call directly.

astronaut riding on a dinosaur pointing to text that says welcome to the wonderful world of open source

Support Leantime

Leantime is an open source project and lives and breathes through its community.

If you like Leantime and want to support us you can start by giving us a Star on Github or through a sponsorship.